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Dental Aesthetics 

Para la mayor comodidad de nuestros pacientes, contamos con un centro radiológico dentro de nuestra clínica, en donde se podrán realizar diferentes servicios.



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 Dr. Luis Leon Feoli

More than 20 years of practice of general dentistry, with a priority focus on Dental aesthetics.

1999 Dentistry - Intercontinental University - UIC. Mexico DF.

Multiple refresher courses in dental aesthetics. 



Icono de Endodoncia


It consists of maintenance

of the teeth through endodontic therapy, procedures that involve the treatment of the internal soft tissue of the teeth,

called pulp.

Icono de Periodoncia


This medical-surgical specialty, also called periodontology,

deals with the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases.

Icono de Prostodoncia


It is the branch of dentistry responsible for the replacement of dental pieces. The applied prostheses can be fixed or removable.


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